What Can an Elder Law Lawyer Assist Me With: Financial Planning

As you age, you may no longer have the ability to effectively handle many of your own financial transactions. It becomes increasingly important to have your finances in order as you get older. Without a solid financial plan in place, you could be at risk of financial exploitation or find yourself struggling to pay for basic necessities during your elder years. Before you reach that point, you may want to make some financial arrangements that will help set you up for future financial success. You may also want to name a specific financial power of attorney, which will give a trusted individual the right to make financial transactions on your behalf. This can help prevent financial exploitation and can give you peace of mind knowing that your finances are in good hands. An elder law attorney can provide vital advice about how to select a power of attorney and what to include in your documentation. That’s why it’s important to work with an elder law attorney to create a detailed financial plan. This plan will include arrangements for paying your bills, managing your assets, and protecting your money. If you don’t have a financial plan in place, now is the time to put one together. Working with an elder law attorney can help ensure that your finances are taken care of in the event that you can no longer manage them yourself. Law Office of Polly Tatum 19 Cedar St Worcester, MA 01609 (774) 366-3688 https://www.LawOfficeOfPollyTatum.com

The Law Office of Polly A. Tatum
Category: Unknown, Specialized Legal Services, Attorneys

19 Cedar Street, Worcester, Worcester, MA, 01609
5082196264, (508) 795-1557, (774) 366-3688
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