What Can an Elder Law Lawyer Assist Me With: Guardianship and Conservatorship

When an individual is no longer able to make decisions for themselves, whether due to a physical or mental disability, someone else may need to step in and make those decisions for them. This process is known as guardianship or conservatorship. A guardian is someone who is appointed by the court to make decisions on behalf of another person, known as the ward. A conservator is similar to a guardian, but instead of making decisions on behalf of the ward, they are responsible for managing their finances and property. In some cases, one person may serve as both the guardian and conservator. Many people find themselves in the role of guardian for an elderly parent or loved one. This can be a challenging but rewarding role. As a guardian, it is your responsibility to make decisions on behalf of the ward and ensure that they are taken care of both physically and financially. In some cases, the ward may have a spouse or other family member who can also serve as a guardian. If this is not the case, you will need to appoint someone else to help you with your duties. This can be a daunting task, but with the help of an elder law attorney, you can find the right person for the job. It is important to remember that as a guardian, you are not alone and that there are many resources available to you. Law Office of Polly Tatum 19 Cedar St Worcester, MA 01609 (774) 366-3688 https://www.LawOfficeOfPollyTatum.com

The Law Office of Polly A. Tatum
Category: Unknown, Specialized Legal Services, Attorneys

19 Cedar Street, Worcester, Worcester, MA, 01609
5082196264, (508) 795-1557, (774) 366-3688
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