When Should I Start Working with an Elder Law Lawyer?

You may want to start working with an elder law attorney as you start to enter your golden years. Once you’ve retired, it’s time to swap to an elder law attorney for many of your legal needs! You should also consult with an elder law attorney if: You have a serious health condition with the potential to deteriorate quickly, and you want to ensure that your desires are met with regard to treatment. You are ready to move into a nursing home and want to make sure that you know your rights and responsibilities or have questions about how you will manage payment for the nursing home. You need to revisit your will, durable power of attorney, or any other important legal documents. Are you ready to find a Worcester elder law attorney to help meet your estate planning, health care preparation, and financial planning needs? Contact us today at (774) 366-3688 to learn more about our solutions and services. Law Office of Polly Tatum 19 Cedar St Worcester, MA 01609 (774) 366-3688 https://www.LawOfficeOfPollyTatum.com

The Law Office of Polly A. Tatum
Category: Unknown, Specialized Legal Services, Attorneys

19 Cedar Street, Worcester, Worcester, MA, 01609
5082196264, (508) 795-1557, (774) 366-3688
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