What is Adoption?

Adoption is a legal process whereby a person or couple becomes the legal parents of a child. Adoption creates a permanent, legal relationship between the adoptive parent(s) and the child. Once an adoption is finalized, it cannot be undone. There are many different types of adoptions, including: Infant adoption: This type of adoption usually involves working with an adoption agency to find a birth mother who is willing to place her child up for adoption. The adoptive parents will then complete the necessary paperwork and finalize the adoption through the courts. Child adoption: Children who are available for adoption are typically older than infants and may be in foster care or orphanages. The adoptive parents will work with an agency or the state to finalize the adoption. Relative adoption: Relative adoptions occur when a family member, such as a grandparent or aunt/uncle, adopts a child. These types of adoptions often take place when the child’s parents are unable to care for them. Adult adoption: Adult adoptions are becoming more common as adults seek to create legal relationships with their step-children or children they have raised but are not related to by blood. No matter what type of adoption you are interested in pursuing, an experienced Worcester adoption lawyer can help you navigate the process and ensure that your rights are protected. Law Office of Polly Tatum 19 Cedar St Worcester, MA 01609 (774) 366-3688 https://www.LawOfficeOfPollyTatum.com

The Law Office of Polly A. Tatum
Category: Unknown, Specialized Legal Services, Attorneys

19 Cedar Street, Worcester, Worcester, MA, 01609
5082196264, (508) 795-1557, (774) 366-3688
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