Other Things To Consider In Probate And Trust

In some cases, both probate administration and trust administration may be required. This is to ensure a comprehensive distribution of assets. To facilitate this, individuals can create a legal instrument known as a “Pour Over Will.” This document serves as a safety net, allowing any remaining assets not already in the trust to be transferred into it. This happens upon the decedent’s death. By doing so, the assets become part of the trust and are distributed according to its terms. This provides a seamless integration between the probate and trust administration processes. The Estate Plan 135 San Lorenzo Ave Suite #750 Coral Gables, FL 33146 (305) 677-8489 https://www.TheEstatePlanFL.com/

The Estate Plan
Category: Attorneys, Trusts & Estates Attorneys

135 San Lorenzo Ave Suite #750, Coral Gables, Florida, 33146
(305) 677-8489
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